Set Healthy Time Limits on Apps

Help kids stay focused by blocking and limiting time spent on distracting apps, social media and entertainment.

Features of Mobicip App Blocker

  • Limit App Usage

    Set screen time allowance to limit time spent on apps like social media and videos.

  • App Blocker

    Social media and gaming apps distract children from being productive; even leading to screen addiction in some cases. Restrict potentially addictive apps while ensuring access to fun, and educational apps.

app blocker
  • Why Block Apps?

    Mobicip shows you all the apps installed on your child's device at any given point. Once you block an app, it cannot be used until you allow it again.

  • Why Choose Mobicip's App Blocker?

    Mobicip's app blocker features go well beyond what Apple's App Limits and Google's Family Link currently offer.

    The app blocking tools from Apple and Google are limited to their respective platforms! Mobicip works across iPhones, iPads, Android devices and Kindle Fire making it a truly cross-platform mobile solution.

    Mobicip blocks all apps rated 17+ by default for kids, reducing the likelihood of them stumbling across inappropriate apps. While most App Blockers only allow you to block installed apps, Mobicip goes one step further by allowing you to block apps in advance, even before they are downloaded by your kids! Get alerts as soon as your child installs an app or block all new app installs by default.

  • Mobicip has maintained my sanity (for 3 kids) with the knowledge that my children's exposure to 'overt' and downright dangerous items is significantly reduced. A recommendation for all parents in the digital age.

    Mobicip Mom, Texas


  • Mobicip can be as much or as little coverage as you need for your family. I receive weekly emails, detailing my kids activities, and even get notified when they try to add an app.

    Mobicip Dad, Mississipi


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